Diocese of Chichester

Diocesan Environment Day June 15th at St Mark's Holbrook.

Please join us at the Diocesan Environment Day on 15th June 2024 at St Mark’s Holbrook near Horsham. The aim of the day is to find out what your church can do to respond to the Climate and Ecological Emergency and equip us to care for God's creation. Great speakers, signposts to resources and workshops to choose from.

15 jun 2024. 10 a.m.


15 jun 2024. 4 p.m.

Speakers Include:

Reverend Buff Stone, Diocesan Environment Officer

Karen Park, A Rocha UK Speaker - Responding to the Climate and Ecological Emergency

Choose 3 of these 8 workshops

1. Managing Church Buildings - Dr Emma Arbuthnot, Diocese of Chichester Senior Church Buildings & Pastoral Reorganisation Officer

2. Managing Church Land - Martin Pett, Eco Church Co-ordinator, Trinity Church, Lewes, A Rocha UK Speaker

3. Eco-Anxiety and Sustaining Hope - Laura Steven, Diocese of Chichester Head of Wellbeing for Clergy and Families - Discussing how anxiety is a natural response to threat and exploring ways of sustaining hope and resilience in ourselves, our children and communities.

4.Why Biodiversity Matters - Helen Hicks

5. Eco Worship - Rev Jules Middleton, Vicar, St Edwards Church, Burgess Hill

6. Getting Your Message Across - Revd David Farey. Communications Specialist - Serving at Seaford church. 

7. Eco Church Parish and Deanery Champions - Rev Buff Forbes Stone, Diocesan Environment Officer

8. Working Together to Make a Difference - Karen Park, Eco Church Champion, St Mark’s, Holbrook - Discussing how churches, community groups, councils and others can work together to make a difference.

Free ticketed event

  • Register and refreshments from 9.30am for 10.00am start
  • Please bring your own lunch, reusable cup and water bottle
  • Hot and cold drinks, cake and biscuits provided
  • Hearing loop, disabled access and facilities

Book using Eventbrite: here

Organiser - Rev Buff Forbes Stone, Diocesan Environment Officer

environment.officer@chichester.anglican.org 07954 652824

Host - St. Mark’s Church, Holbrook

St. Mark’s has a Silver Eco Church Award and is going for Gold, using the Climate Emergency Toolkit and working with others, in response to the climate and ecological emergency. www.stmarksholbrook.org.uk/ecochurch

Read inspiring stories here on pages 24 - 29 of the Summer edition of Faith in Sussex

You can register your church for Eco Church here