
Assistant Wardens for Lay Ministry – all responsible for: promoting lay ministry in the archdeaconries, conducting MDR reviews, pastoral care of Readers and ALM’s, organising regular local ‘chapter’ meetings for Readers and ALM’s and other events.

Alison Hassell - Assistant Warden for Lay ministry
Hastings Archdeaconry
I am a Reader at St Mary’s Church in Battle, where I have lived and worshipped for the past 32 years. I was born in South Wales but grew up in Cheshire. My father was a clergyman in the Chester Diocese. I am a ‘cradle Christian’ – I have been a Christian all my life and have belonged to the Church of England all my life. I was baptised as an infant and confirmed when I was 12 years old.
I have been retired for 11 years. Professionally I used to be a Dietitian and worked within the NHS. I also trained as a nurse. I ended my career as Macmillan Dietitian at the Conquest Hospital in Hastings working with the local Macmillan Cancer Support team caring for cancer and palliative care patients and their families in the community, supporting them with their nutritional needs. Since retirement I have continued my hospital connection helping as a chaplaincy volunteer. I am married to John. We met whilst on VSO in Zambia in the 1970s. We have 3 grown up children and currently 2 grandchildren (with another on the way this year) I was licensed as a Reader in 2013 to serve St Mary’s Battle and our daughter church - the Church of the Ascension, Telham. In addition to leading worship and preaching I have responsibility for pastoral care, acting as co-ordinator for the pastoral care team.
As I continue my ministry in Battle I look forward to this opportunity I have been given to support others - fellow Readers and ALMs - in their ministry too.
Contact - alison.hassell@chichester.anglican.org

John Sheppard- Assistant Warden for Lay ministry
Chichester Archdeaconry
Contact - john.sheppard@chichester.anglican.org

Michael Miller – Assistant Warden for Lay Ministry
Brighton and Lewes Archdeaconry
I am a Chartered Accountant by profession and have recently retired having worked about half of my career in professional accounting firms and latterly in the public sector. My last assignment was to produce a film on money laundering compliance jointly with one of the major accountancy bodies which has received several awards.
I’ve attended the Church of the Good Shepherd in Brighton since I was 11 and have served under 8 Vicars! I was licenced as a Reader in 2005 and followed my training by completing a BA in Religious Education Studies at the University of Brighton. I am currently enjoying studying for an MA in Christian Ministry at the University of Chichester.
I have supported the Diocese with a number of training courses including ‘Following Jesus’ and recently ‘Living Faith’ for those exploring potential vocations for ordination, Reader ministry and Authorised Lay Ministry. I have also assisted for several years with Reader selection and am a regular Chaplain at Chichester Cathedral. I am a member of the Brighton Deanery and Diocesan Synods.
I am pleased to be able to work closely with Readers and ALMs in the Brighton & Lewes Archdeaconry and to assist in development of our ministry.
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