
Why Do We Need a Strategy?
We only have finite resources of people and money and given the challenges we face, we have to think carefully about where they should be deployed to best effect.
This exercise gives us a great opportunity to change in order to remain faithful to our Anglican identity as expressed in word, sacrament, tradition and creed.
We want to proclaim the gospel afresh in every generation.
The Church of England in Sussex faces great challenges. Although people are as spiritual as they ever were, they increasingly look in places other than the Church for answers to their questions. This is particularly true of young people.
However, God is gracious and continues to desire people to find Him and be transformed by his love. We have the great privilege to be involved in this mission.
We hope this exercise will contribute to a change in culture in our diocesan family in which all of us have a part to play. What might happen if the 35,000 people who worship weekly in our churches were to pray daily, "Lord, please use me to share something of your love with someone who doesn't know you yet.".
With God's grace we pray that this strategy will help all of us to a greater confidence in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and its power to transform lives and communities.