
An annual award for lay people within the Diocese who have made exceptional contributions to the parish, the local community, or the Diocese.
In 2019, we launched the Order of St Richard as an annual award for lay people within the Diocese who have made exceptional contributions to the parish, the local community or the Diocese. Since then over 180 people have received the award, representing nearly 140 parishes in the diocese.
The nominations for this year are now open. You can download the nomination form here.
The deadline date for submitting nominations is Friday 9 May 2025.
Please send back the completed form to palaceadmin@chichester.anglican.org
Or by post to The Order of St Richard, The Palace, Canon Lane, Chichester, PO19 1PY
Any nominations received after this date will be assessed for the 2026 award.
The award ceremony will take place in Chichester Cathedral during Evensong on a date to be confirmed.