Diocese of Chichester

Bishop commends landmark resources

The Church of England has published a landmark set of resources drawing together the Bible, theology, science and history with powerful real-life stories as it embarks on a new process of discernment and decision-making on questions of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.

On 12 nov 2020

In Diocese of Chichester

By Comms

The product of three years’ work by more than 40 people, led by the Bishop of Coventry, Living in Love and Faith includes a 480-page book, a series of films and podcasts, a course and an online library of other publications in what is thought to be the most extensive work in this area by any faith group in the world.

The Bishop of Coventry, Christopher Cocksworth, who oversaw the Living in Love and Faith project, said: “These learning resources are the fruit of an extraordinary collaborative process. This has involved intense and prayerful study and reflection as well as listening to as wide a range of voices and experiences as possible. We offer them in the hope that the whole of the Church of England will embrace this opportunity to learn and reflect together across difference for the sake of our unity in Christ.”

The Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, who will lead the ‘Next Steps Group,’ said: “This must be a meaningful process with a clear way forward. “However, it will not succeed without love, grace, kindness and compassion.”

The Bishop of Chichester commends it to the diocese as a learning resource. He said, “We have much to learn from each other and from the inherited wisdom that has formed our traditions. Ultimately we must always remember that we are talking about persons made in the image of God.”

Living in Love and Faith