Joyful and uplifting - the inaugural deanery celebration event at Crawley
Clergy and church members from parishes across the deanery of East Grinstead gathered together for an evening to celebrate the 950 years of Christian faith and mission in the diocese.
The joyful service, held at All Saints Crawley Down, was led by Bishop Martin and Bishop Ruth with support from cathedral colleagues and local churches.
A poem about the Nicene Creed was shown - a recorded performance by Laura Darrall, the Priest-in-Charge of Lavant near Chichester. A video, featuring reflections from some of the churches in the deanery of East Grinstead, was also shown and gave the audience an insight into their neighbouring parishes and the diverse and faithful communities they serve.
Another highlight of the evening was when Bishop Ruth asked the congregation to “Turn to the person behind you and tell them what you love about your church or why you follow Christ.' She said: “This created a great atmosphere and energy levels went up.”
As well as bookmarkers and fridge magnets being handed out, Canon Jack Dunn, Cathedral chancellor, gave a personal invitation to everyone to visit the cathedral for pilgrimage and the upcoming 950 celebration exhibition.
The event was the first one to mark both the 950 anniversary this year and also the 1700 year since the Nicene Creed first emerged. Further events will take place in each deanery over the coming months – each one led by one of the three bishops in the Diocese.
Bishop Martin said at the launch of the celebrations: "This momentous celebration reminds us that we cannot define God. Faith is an exploration in which we risk everything to glimpse the mystery of God’s glory and to discover our place in his heart of love.
He added: "All of these will serve to inspire and strengthen our faith as we seek together to know, love, and follow the Lord Jesus in 2025 and beyond.”
Local clergy are extending the invitation to all in their parishes to join in the celebrations.
A list of all the deanery dates can be found here
A wide range of events celebrating the year in the diocese and cathedral are publicised here