Diocese of Chichester

Could your magazine be this year’s winner?

The search is on for Britain's best church magazine. Entries are now invited for the annual competition run by the Association for Church Editors (ACE), which is an independent, not for profit organisation that celebrates its 25th anniversary this year.

On 10 jan 2024

In Diocese of Chichester

By comms

In 2023 The Pulborough Community News magazine won the Silver Award in the competition. Churchwarden at Pulbourough, Alyson Heath said, "Church magazines play an extremely important role in church life, reaching out not only to existing congregations but also to people who live in the wider community." (You can read more about the Pulborough award here)

Sally Churchus, Chair of ACE, said, "Judging from the number of brochures and leaflets that land on our doormats and the array of magazines in newsagents, other organisations still value printed material," says "so we are keen to encourage church editors everywhere". 

For the coming 2024 competition, which closes on Tuesday 2nd April, awards will be made for any size of magazine using colour printing. 

The Gold Award winner will receive the John King Trophy, to be held for one year, while Silver and Bronze Awards will receive an inscribed trophy to keep, together with a Certificate of Excellence for display. 

A panel of judges assesses each magazine, giving points for various aspects including cover design, headlines and clarity of the Christian message. 

The prize-giving will take place on Saturday 28th September in Westminster Central Hall, London, and is open to everyone. The meeting will include an address by our Keynote Speaker, Neil Pugmire, (author of 100 Ways To Get Your Church Noticed), and talks on various ways to improve church magazines. www.churchmag.uk

How to submit your entries here

The Association of Church Editors was formed in 1999 to bring together editors, authors, designers, and other church members involved in the production of church magazines for all denominations throughout the United Kingdom and abroad.