Diocese of Chichester

Bishops pray together at the lying-in-state of Queen Elizabeth II

Bishop Martin was joined by Bishop Ruth and Bishop Will to offer prayers and thanksgiving for Queen Elizabeth II at Westminster.

On 16 sep 2022

In Bishop

By communications

Bishop Martin said that it was really very special that he and his two colleagues were able to mark this moment together. Both Bishop Will and Bishop Ruth also said how poignant and memorable the visit had been.

He said: "The bishops of the Church of England have a special relationship with the Sovereign, the Supreme Governor of the Church, administering the Oath of Allegiance from the clergy.

"So, it was a particular privilege for the bishops who serve in the Diocese of Chichester to be present together at the lying-in of State of Queen Elizabeth II. In the midst of the international outpouring of grief, we were representing prayers and thanksgiving for her from the diocese.

Thanks be to God.

God save the King."