Diocese of Chichester

Bishop’s Advisor for Deliverance Ministry appointed

Bishop Martin has appointed the Revd Keith Littlejohn as Bishop’s Advisor for Deliverance Ministry in the Diocese of Chichester, succeeding the Revd Canon Simon Holland.

On 25 apr 2022

In Diocese of Chichester

By communications

Keith will be undertaking this role alongside his ministry as parish priest of Goring-by-Sea in West Sussex.

Bishop Martin said: ‘I’m delighted that Fr Keith has accepted my invitation to take on this post in the Diocese of Chichester. He is a wise and prayerful priest with the gifts necessary to undertake this important ministry.’

Keith will be assisted in the role of Advisor by a small team of clergy, who are spread geographically across the diocese.

Deliverance ministry is part of the wider ministry of pastoral care and must be carried out in accordance with the House of Bishops Guidance on Deliverance Ministry (Guidelines for Good Practice in the Deliverance Ministry (churchofengland.org) and safeguarding processes (4. 1 Deliverance Ministry | The Church of England).

The task of the Advisor is to support clergy in their ministry, which might involve simply listening and offering advice on how to proceed. In other instances, a member of the team will arrange to visit in person, ministering alongside the parish clergy. Occasionally, and especially when there is no connection with the church, referrals might be made directly to the team. Clergy should undertake only such ministry under the direction of the Bishops Advisor.

For more information on how to contact Fr Keith, please go to the Apostolic Life page on the diocesan website: 
