Diocese of Chichester

Two Retired Clergy find new way to reaffirm their ordination vows

The relaxed lockdown regulations allowed two retired clergy to reaffirm their ordination promise in a front garden in Eastbourne!

On 30 mar 2021

In Diocese of Chichester

By communications

The Revd Pat Gibbs and Revd Nicholas Fincham both members of Eastbourne Retired Clergy Association, agreed to participate together in the Diocesan service on the Tuesday of Holy Week since the new lockdown regulations set out on Monday 29th March allowed for up to 6 people to meet in a garden.

As Pat does not have wi-fi Nicholas decided to make the service available by  connecting his laptop to the TV allowing the two clergy to watch on a larger screen, in his front garden,  and the two were able to share with Bishop Martin and reaffirm their ordination commitment together.

The service can be watched again here