Diocese of Chichester

A range of Ministry Development courses are run each year by staff in Church House. Some are specifically for clergy (e.g. “Setting priorities for ministry”, conflict resolution, interview training days), others are open more widely (e.g. “Help! There’s a school in my parish”, spiritual direction, theological learning). There are also many other learning opportunities available, sometimes run by other organisations. Check the Diocesan web site or contact the CMD Administrator Ruth McBrien for more details.

We have reflective practice groups (RPG’s) for clergy, for regular on-going support, accountability and encouragement. There is also the possibility to receive one-to-one CMD support in a variety of way (e.g. mentoring, coaching). For more information, contact your archdeacon or the CMD officer.

The Church of England CMD page can be viewed here: http://www.ministrydevelopment.org.uk/