Diocese of Chichester

Church archive reveals ancient link to Morris dancing

Ancient records of St Andrew's Church, West Tarring holds what is believed to be the oldest written reference to Morris dancing in Sussex.

On 18 apr 2024

In Diocese of Chichester

By comms

Martin Frost, spokesperson for Sompting Village Morris (SVM ) said: "According to the 1561 parish records, a donation was made by the churchwarden. They mention a five shilling payment for their bells. 

He said: "We have been dancing for at least 40 years, which is nothing compared to the connection that we have discovered with this church only a few years ago. It seems very appropriate to re-enliven this tradition.

“To mark this near 500-year link, a very timely and much-appreciated donation to Sompting Village Morris was offered. It was presented at the Sunday service. 

“The dancers were delighted to receive the donation which will help fund the Morris bells for this season's apprentices."

Members of SVM danced for the congregation before joining in with the recessional hymn.

Photo: Martin Frost, spokesperson for SVM, welcomed the gift at a Sunday service in St Andrew's Church, West Tarring